[Continued from my previous comment] Okay, I understand people are having issues with computers cost vs console cost. It all depends on the situation, some parts you can reuse, building your own, etc. But overall, you have to keep in mind of the effectiveness of what you want to do. Sure of course an Xbox 360 at $199 is a great bang for your buck to play a lot of games. But I'd also like that I can do more with a PC, free mods, constant updates (sure console games can too, but not nearly as often as PC), free multi-player (unless you are doing MMO), games usually costing 10 bucks cheaper than their console versions. So if you want to play games and only that, and just surf few things online, content with just the game provided by the game developers, simplicity (that can be a good thing). Then get a console. If you want more, internet surfing (sure I understand I believe PS3 has this), music modifications, video editing, word docs, emails, making games, certain free mods for games. Get a PC. It's not rocket science people, get what you want to afford and find what you want effectively. Obviously don't compare a gaming console for a PC and JUST the gaming capability.
Honestly, PC shouldn't compare with the consoles. Of course PC will win, for crying out loud, they made the games using a PC. It's like saying they made the games on a magical machine that isn't going to look great on a PC but will look better on a console. Think about it before you start posting, "oh consoles are better and always look better".
NomisGnos' comments