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LBP clan, finally!!!

I finally maneged to make my own LBP clan, the Doom Puppets.

We now have a memeber list of 9 people. Jet a small number but it will grow really fast. Wuhu!! I have jet a nother blog entry that explains why am I making a LBP clan just read it...

see ya


OMG I can't belive that I was such a freaking idiot to buy this shi/!! I did my homewotk andthought that it would be fun but no.... It's so god damm lame, I'm a real n00b when it comes to this game, I can't even see what's going on the screen!

Spent my $$$ 4 nothing :/... Now I have to find a nother buyer :(

My games and wish list



Little Big Planet-want it so bad!!!

Burnout Paradise -have

Metal Gear Solid 4(MGS 4)- have

Asassin's Creed -want

Ninja Gaiden Sigma -want

Disgaea 3-want

Street Fighter IV -want

Resistance: Fall of Man-want

The Orange Box-want

Resistance 2-want

Fallout 3-want

Mirrors Edge -want

Dead Space -want

Devil May Cry 4( DMC 4 )-have

Uncharted: Drakes Fortune-have

Ratchet & Clank Future:Tools of Destruction-have

Guitar Hero 3:Legends of Rock-have

Grand Theft Auto 4 (GTA 4)-have

Final Fantasy XIII-want

Final Fantasy XIII Versus-want

Resident Evil 5-want


God of War III(GoW3)-want

Killzone 2- want

These are some games that I have and that I want. The number of that I want is clearly bigger... Leave a comment if u want some of the same games!

Interest in joining a Little Big Planet Clan???

Well the 1. thing to do should be to find a good name..*sight*...

Well as I asked, are u? It would be like this- Create, Share and Play (the line up is probably wrong) just a little better and deeper. Playing stages that members created, rate them, give them advice what they should do to make it better, share items,etc. If there would be a nother clan we could do it like this: just use a random stage and the one with the hier score wins (that would be just to simple). There is a better way. Both clans create a stage and the one with the more plays, comments or rating wins(u probably didn't think of that!). There are jet more possibilities like you create a puzzle and they have to solve it but they gives us puzzle to. The first one to solve the other puzzle wins! And jet there is more (DEATMACH) build a weapon and go fight!!

Endless possibilities/not only the game, I mean the clan fights). SO if ur interested leave a comment and join the clan :) (we have to do something with the name, maybe Constructors?).