I'm having 360 troubles too. Thought I'd post on it to see if anoyn can relate or comment on what's going on. When I first got the system it would not allow me to make a save file. When I tried it told me there was no free disk space on the HD. Yet when I checked it it said it still had 12 gigs free. So I tinker around with it and decide on a whim to delete all the music files that come with the 360. After that I was able to make my save files and play no problem.
But then a few days later I try ripping one of my music CDs the the console harddrive, and as soon as I do that not only can I not create save files again, I can't even load ones that I made previously. So I delete the music files I made from the CD and try again. And surprise surprise! I can now save and load game saves. It was almost as if the music files were preventing that from happening. I take it that's not normal, am I right?
Next problem came tonight. I was playing NHL 07 and that game makes use of the right trigger as the pass button. While playing, there were many times where the button would NOT work. And then all of a sudden it would work without me even pressing down on it. So when I wanted to pass I couldn't. And when I wanted to carry it the game would pass it as if I pulled the right trigger which pretty much gives the puck to the opponent since I had no control over it. So I guess I have two problems. One is possible hard drive malfunction and the other is controller. Probably would be worth it to take it back to where I bought it, huh? I still have my reciept.
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