Finally got to see Punisher War Zone,the movie sucks,its horrible and painful to watch.I knew the movie suck since it got realease in theatres,well I didnt see on the theathres I actually bought the dvd.Just because iam a big fan of the Punisher. God all 3 Punisher movies are horrible,well TOm Jane Punisher was not bad but it needed the action of war zone and probably all the Punisher fans wouldnt had bash it too.
Well I think its kinda our fault that War zone was made the way it was.Action is over the top,its basicly the whole movie.Was there even a story to follow? The Punisher was boring with Tom Jane,basicly during the whole movie Fran Castle was playing detective and mind games and finally almost at the end of the movie we get like 10 minutes of action. They did change Frank Castle aka The Punisher origin a little bit but it still stay true to the source. After his family is killed the family just go downhill,at least it got a decent story minus the action.Now War zone is all action,now war zone did stay true to the origin of Frank Castle. At least War Zone had a cool villian from the comics Jigsaw and a few others from the max series,but they just butcher them and change them. Pitzy in the comics he was this bad a$$ soldier who was used to put fear on people, in war zone he is some coke addict who is just basicly a maid and never does show his toughness in war zone. Now the father forgot his name,in the comics he is unkillable and gives Frank Castle a tough time.Once he gets half his face blown off by Castle and he still comes after him almost killing Castle,not in war zone he is just another maid with an italian accent who is kill easily and gives no challenge to Frank. I cant go on.
The movie is at least is watchable, but its hard to keep a straight face.I was laughing to tears in the sncene when Jigsaw out of nowhere tells his soldiers that he wants to be call Jigsaw. The movie is just horrible I dont know why this people are filmmakers.Couldnt they see when they were making themovie how bad it was.Either way the movie would had still suck but they could at least edit War Zone to have at least some continuity.