Im trying to be a moderator, but im continuosly getting these silly (good i can swear in blogs, still have to spell incorrectly) FUKIN RETARDED terms of violations. I got three muther fukers today with one being a spam violation, rofl wtf?? I posted 2 comments in a thread and i get that wtf?!?! Then i get some jackass "Disruptive Posting", SUCK MY DICK U COCHEAD PRICKS! Some kid asked how do i fix this? and i said "Idk, hope that helps" it was a goddam joke and u give me a warning? THEN I have review offensive!!! The shetty game already had a rating of a 6.6, and I can give it any fukin review that I wanna give it, its called America you shetz!
I might have said alot of crap in this blog, but I still wanna be a moderator, why? So I can make this website into what it should be... something that we can express our feelings about without getting some pusy violation, or ban. And as I can tell, this is how every1 is when they get these retarded violation things, GS lay off of us and let us do what we want, asy g33ks running this dam website...
P.S. You have no right to ban me because of this, this is my blog (diary) on my profile, meaning I can say what i want, when I want, read it or don't read I dont give a crap!
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