Hi. I woke up this morning and i had some work to do. At the same time I really wanted to power on my PS2 and play a lilttle bit. Un poco....But darn! I had no time and that's an issue i've been thinking of for a long time. I know there must be new gamers each day and some old ones. I consider myself among the old ones...we used to play video games long before PS2, or x box or even super nintendo. As fo me, Atari's started it all...I never really stopped playing ever since. But now that I,m getting old i feel like I have less and less time to play and it sadens me in a way. I think a lot of "old gamers" like me feel the same way. Of course you always find time to play no matter what (late in the night, hidden in the closet or at the office on breaks..) anyway....the result is that now i sometime rather buy a good game that i can finish quickly or with ease (Like Onimusha ) because my lack of time makes it hard to enjoy a good RPG. They are too long. Plus with so many things to do (work, pay your bills and rent and all) I tend to become lazy and don't want to play really difficult levels.
I Just think some games should be adapted to us...old ones...evolve with us....I know most game did because they are really mature and all....but i was thinking of games that will really be appealing to old users...imagine....playing games with your favorites old charater's but now they would be twice their age. Like playing with an older cloud from final fantasy 7 as long as you get old too....yeah i know it's not realistic and anyway i don,t know if I,m making myself clear enough...I learned english on a russian video game lol...just kidding....no one's laughing?...oh....ok bad joke...sorry...
Well to sum it up! I just wanted to say that older gamers wants's to continue to play but they lilttle time to do so. I would really welcome games that targets this kind of people so that i can enjoy a game quickly with no need to go trought to much complicated levels or long history so that i can finish it quickly and enjoy it really...instead of playing Suikoden III for 3 year and not even past the two first chapters...
That was my tought of the day....I feel a liltte dizzy so i'm gonna get myself some cofee...Peace you all and continue playing....it,s "OUR" industrie even tough some developper or business people won't agree....without gamers there is no game and without games there is no developpers