So I bought GTA IV the day of release, got a really good deal too for it. I am really enjoying it so far, the new targeting system is so much better in gun battles, not so sure I have the melee combat figured out that well though. I think it is my favourite GTA to date, though Vice City at the time was really great. San Andreas was a great game but I prefered it at the beginning when it was all about gangs and living in the ghetto rather than the later areas and never got around to finishing the storyline. I am hoping to finish this GTA as long as the missions don't get too hardcore. I have yet to try the online out but will be doing so soon.
On a different note I am really interested in Penny Arcade but not sure about paying 1600 points for it. Also I find it frustrating that you have to buy more points than needed to get games. On Xbox Live they sell points in 1000 and 500 points so I would have to in fact buy 2000 points to get this game. Seeing as most games are 400,600,800 it seems logical that they would sell points in 200's or 400's but no, they make you buy more that you may never spend. Personally I would rather just be charged to my credit card the amount for the game