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Lego Batman & Little Big Planet

Really enjoyed Lego Batman, my favourite lego game so far just because of the varied characters you get to play. I needed something light and fun after playing through inFamous intensely. I am trying to get as many achievements as possible in it before I move on to other things.

Had my first go of LBP the other day (yeah I know I am a bit late to the party on this one). I had always liked the look of it but wasn't sure that I would like it enough to buy it. I got to try a family members copy who is staying with me at the moment and really loved it. Loved it enough that I have requested it for my birthday.I have to finish off batman achievements, complete inFamous (I am playing through on hard and got stuck on the final boss), then not sure what I am going to play.

The choices are

1 Killzone 2......still haven't played this yet even though I bought the PS3 for Killzone 2!

2 Tales of Vesperia

3 Resistance Fall of Man

4 Assassins Creed...still haven't even started this yet

Ratchet and Clank: Tools of destruction

Decisions, decisions.