Well 2 or so weeks into having an XBOX360 I can report that it is better than I imagined it would be. I am loving achievements, being able to download game demos and live arcade. What a difference having your system hooked up to the net can be. I use to buy the playstation magazines with the free demo disc as this was the best way of seeing if a game was any good before spending hard earned cash on it.
I feel kinda lazy and spoiled just pressing a button on my controller and downloading game demos without leaving the living room of my apartment. It is fantastic though, I am having fun just downloading games and trying them, it will keep me going for months,especially coming in late to the XBOX360 so there are loads of demos available.
I am vowing to try more downloads, its just nothing is getting a look in cos I am hooked on oblivion. I was a big World of Warcaft addict back in the UK, so oblivion is filling that hole. OF course it isn't an MMO, but some of the crap that goes on when playing MMO's I don't miss, and it means i can quest without some idiot jumping up and down in my face, swearing or offering to duel me, boring!
The only problem is now I have my XBOX i want a HD TV....oh well there is always something new to dream about getting.