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Resident Eeevil & Broken Steel

Really enjoyed RE5, don't know if I would have enjoyed it as much if I didn't play through the whole thing Co-Op with a friend. Really not into managing two people so was happy to have a real person to play through it with. Didn't have quite the impact that RE4 did for me personally but still a solid game.Really over quick time events though, since when was it a crime to sit back, relax and watch a cut scene instead of having to be alert for button presses.Mercenariesis pretty fun and a good way to get the points needed to get the bonus items. Haven't played online with strangers but then I never feel any kind of need to, much more fun with people you know.Also playing through broken steel and loving it, Fallout 3 is such a quality game, I have sunk 100+ hours into that game and still love playing it. It is great to be able to level up again and get some of the perks I had to miss out on, also some pretty good new perks are available.