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Ok, here's something that will make you wonder.

Obsession!!!! I know that all of us are obsessed with things that (in reality) won't come true. Take me for example, I'm having these dreams of me being in one of my favourite tv programmes, but then when I wake up, I'm still at home (in New Zealand) facing another boring day at tech.

I know that you guys feel the same (and I'm not judging you or anything by the way -I can feel your pain)!!

Maybe that is why all of us actually start daydreaming instead of doing what you suppose to do (which is kind of ok - just don't get caught so often).

Since a number of my favourite tv programmes are starting this month in the US (:cry::cry:), maybe you guys are excited about watching what happens next from last season when I have to wait in line for next year (:cry::cry::cry::cry:)!!!!!

Your feedback is welcome - anytime!!!!