@Latiran Hmm... "adult" garbage? Try playing Conker's Bad Fur Day, it was made for the N64 in 2001 but it is probably the best game I've ever played, and it certainly is "adult".
@drekula2 @Nvzman @berserkza Well if you want me to be serious, he is just a troll. He can f*ck with people as much as he likes. The Uncharted games were great, and I think those reviews were made far before he started pissing people off.
If 4 out of 5 reviews of a game gave it a 10, but one gives it a 6, that makes the total score that sites uses a 92%, where if that review gave it a 9 or 10, the score could have ranged from 98-100%
@phroido No, I actually agree. I love The Last of Us, but I love Uncharted 2 & 3 even more because the story isn't depressing as hell and it feels like an adventure that I have always wanted to take on since I was a little kid.
@drekula2 @berserkza Well even a troll like him can't deny those are great games. He wanted to be one so bad with those games, but he actually couldn't do it.
@JustPlainLucas @Penguinlord1 Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon had this (if you didn't find the bone, which only worked once per stage anyway), and they rated it a very undeserved 6.5 basically because of that. I will admit while I think the idea is dumb, it shouldn't be something that makes the game bad. It's just something that hampers the game a little bit.
If you are serious you need to play better games. And he's right: it seems that GameSpot is giving pretty much every perfectly good non-shooter games nowadays poor scores because it's too hard for them (See: Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, Or this review)
There are also times where they purposely deduct points off of a game for pathetic reasons (See: The Last of Us).
@Samslayer Don't listen to this review. It's absolute crap in my opinion, mainly because this review is clearly ignoring the fact that it's a remastered game. You can't review old games with the same mindset as new ones. Personally I think a 4.5 is really harsh for a nearly 20 year old game.
A remaster means they are just making it look new and shiny. It's not a remake, so you can't harp on them for not giving people a more changed game.
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