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Movie Reviews & my scale

Nacho Libre - 3/10 This movie wasn't very good. I've been telling my friends not to see it. I haven't talked with anyone else that has seen it. I was expecting a lot more. The Lake House - 7/10 I wanted to see this movie mainly because I couldn't understand why the directors were making it hard for them to meet up. I liked it. My movie scale works something like this. 10. Your perfect Movie, nothing is wrong with it. (you may not have a ten spot movie it may be just an idea for a movie that you have in your head) 9. My top ten movies would go here. 8. A great movie! (My favorite types of movies are Sci-fi this is where my favorite comedies or favorite scary movies would be placed) 7. A good movie. 6. Above average movie. 5. Average movie 4. Below average 3. Crap 2. This is the type of movie where you're talking trash through the whole thing. 1. You leave the movie theater or turn the DVD off and smash it.