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Screwing over your customers for fun and profit.

I cannot put into words how much I hate pre-order bonuses for video games. It wasn't bad enough when PawnShop and Amazon started doing it, but I've seen Walmart, Target, and even Steam performing this travesty. What bothers me the most about these little pack-ins is the extremely limited window available to the public to purchase them. I would gladly fork over a few bucks to download some fancy new armour or a new weapon or something like that whenever I decide to actually buy the game, but the companies that fund these add-ons only make them available as a promotion to encourage us to buy the game as soon as possible. I get that the games industry has essentially become a shadow of the movie industry and demands a big "opening weekend" for their "Triple A" titles, but by locking off content and reserving it for just the pre-order crowd they are performing a major disservice to the rest of us.