ok, first, when you get some zenny, go to the capsule shop and buy the item capsule that regenerate 2 bars of life during a battle ( hold x button and press down button 2 times while holding X button), that can make the game a bit easier
Another thing is buy the equip capsule "Fighter Body" that increase your life to a half bar
is recomended buy this capsules at the beggining of the game
another good thing is that during or at the final of a combo you can use a special, making a good damage at the enemy
other good thing is that you can make the oponent being stunned for a time, enough time to make a final move (the up button and the E button at the same time) by dooing a dash and the strong attack button (R1,R2)
so, that's all the hints that a can remenber!
good game
and sorry by the lenguage errors, i'm brazilian so a don't know much inglish
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