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Gamespot Moderation Problems! Look at these.

Some moderations I don't think were fair (some terrible!) Text in red is my opinion on the moderation.


Insomniac: *Aaron Thomas Shouldn't Have Reviewed Ratchet & Clank*


That is all.

Suspend User for 1 days

c'mon, I have seen much worse on system wars, this is just a warning the most.


Some Mods are just too strict...

I hang out in system wars a lot, recently there is this mod who keep checking my post history to deduct points and then to ban me.

But my recent moderation was just stupid, some guy made a thread about how good the boobs looked in SC4, something along those lines, I replied with a smilee . I thought that said it all, but some stupid mod didn't (no offence) and I got a 5 DAY post ban, not even a warning. There was no swearing nothing. WTF! Is that strict or what?

Soon people will stop posting all together.

Suspend User for 7 days


You must be crazy, 7 days ban!?!? Talk about ignoring the whole post, yeah, I called a mod stupid, not as if I said retard idiot; etc...


soul caliber 4 on the wii? LOL


Suspend User for 5 days

5 days is just crazy, I know, pointless post.


Gamer TV gives Uncharted perfect 5/5

[quote=hurley_house]lol gamertv gives everything 5/5 they gave lair 4/5...


Suspend User for 3 days

Again, harsh IMO. Next time I'll type "I found that amusing" instead of ":lol:"


Achievement Unlocked !!


Suspend User for 2 days

What, no warnings?


Forum Msg
System Wars 10/31/2007
5:25pm Trolling Delete Msg Notify with Point Loss details
User Blog Msg
OGTiago's blog 10/31/2007
5:20pm Trolling Delete Msg Suspend User details
User Profile - Personal Information 10/31/2007
4:47pm Moderator Discretion — Illegal activitie... Nothing Notify with Warning details
Forum Msg
System Wars 10/31/2007
3:51pm Disruptive Posting Delete Msg Notify with Point Loss details
Forum Msg
System Wars 10/31/2007
3:45pm Disruptive Posting Delete Msg Notify with Point Loss details
Forum Msg
System Wars 10/31/2007
3:40pm Disruptive Posting Delete Msg Notify with Point Loss details
Forum Msg
System Wars 10/31/2007
3:39pm Disruptive Posting Delete Msg Notify with Point Loss details
Forum Msg
System Wars 10/31/2007
3:30pm Disruptive Posting Delete Msg Notify with Point Loss details

This moderator signled me out for 2 hours then decided to suspend me in the end, believe it or not, I was level 25, level 19 as I type this.


I am officially done with this site, far to easy to get suspended

[quote=lebaneseprince1]ur right but i stayin


Suspend User for 1 days

:o What! why? wtf? disruptive? I was just sticking up for Gamespot.


Any other Lemmings getting sick of this?

[quote=Pugtrug]Hmmm... haven't been on the forums in awhile but people are calling it that? I mean I am a cow, but no way I would call it that. It is a good game and all the story was a bit cheezy at times and they should have left the ending the way it was before the credits and not that after credit ending, it ruined it for me. I liked the thought of chief dieing it was a more powerful ending; however, I disagree with you on GOTY contender, IMO Halo 3 did not bring anything new to the table and certainly did not stand out above the rest like Bioshock did. If it were me picking out canidates Halo 3 would be the lowest because popularity doesn't cut it.

Some nice spoilers.

Suspend User for 5 days

What? That's just crazy, sorry for pointing out the obvious, I even reported his post, helped people out! And I get banned for 5 days!!


MASS EFFECT character animations = FF spirits within character animations

(long quote)
Man, STHU, it's a real time RPG. No turn based crap.

(Nothing bad here right? well...)

Suspend User for 7 days

I mean, c'mon, no swearing, and 7 days? Just debating, the guy was saying mass effect is a shooter.


3 days for ignoring a sticky


killzone not as bad as lemmings make it out to be link

(he called my mom a fanboy :|)
I said:
So is yours, she loves a bit of Wii.

Suspend User for 17 days

GTFO, that is crazy!! That post only means what you want it to mean, I'm sorry that a immature moderator took it out of context, but that's not my problem as an INOCENT poster. and 17 days!!!!


Suspended for 7 days for saying: "PWNT"

10 days for: Maybe he doesn't feel the same way as you. maybe he hasn't played it. Maybe it will be better than before. and maybe you can stfu.


And I have plenty more, but I'll stop there, just to show how ridiculous Gamespots moderators can be and we can't do anything. It also shows how they're too strict, and let their fanboyism affect their moderation. Hey, they may even delete this blog post; I wouldn't be surprised, I have managed to "troll" in my own blog before (how is that even possible, I don't know)... well, that's what my moderation history tells me. Some aren't too bad, but some are just down right harsh.


Joined Xbox Live!

Well, I have just started and I am using the free 30 day trial at the moment. Gonna buy full 12 months soon.

I am loving pro evolution soccer online!