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The writer was bored so he/she decided to write this.

Around this time (month)...three WWII video games came out. They are called: Company of Heroes, Faces of War, and Silent Heroes.

Basically, Company of Heroes will powerplay the other two titles, because it is the most attractive games posted on most big gaming Websites (not to mention its over-the-roof graphics, which is a cunning incentive). Talking 'bout Faces of War? So so, not a lot of front-page report on Gamespot, ok gameplay (from the players' reviews on Gamespot), and the writer hasn't seen anyone talking about it much...Silent Heroes,hmm interesting. The writer hasn't played it but knows it was a sequel to a 2004 video game called Soldiers: Heroes of WWII or something like that. It didn't sell very well despite good graphics and good gameplay...(tsk, tsk)well, here we are, its sequel. Silent Heroes was released earlier this month, with little reports, and from the writer's knowledge, didn't sell well either. Looks like it will probably suffer the same fate as its predeccessor.

But whatever, the writer thinks that Company of Heroes will powerhouse these redundant WWII video games mainly because it appeared at E3, won awards, incoroporated some better-than-them gameplay, and a fearsome game engine. Also, it will take its crown because there's lots of media support for it. Had there been more media support for its recent counterparts, then these counterparts could improve their sell a bit. Company of Heroes...PREPARE FOR DOMINATION!

(note: the writer does not wish everything to be biased toward Company of Heroes)