Yar! Darn! Today I lost an expansive mechanical pencil AND a scissor. I have a penchant for losing stuff! Nah, I am just not angry, I just wish that I could hang on to them better.
Today it was very windy and rainy. I can hear the howl of the winds right now as I am writing this. Quiet gusty indeed.
What else...oh work work work! Contribution to the society! I have several major assignments due on Monday. A Dress-Up Party for English (I will dress up as George Orwell because I read his biblography, see past posts). I have a Music Compostition due too for music. I've also got to make a History Snake-n-Ladder game. It seems like a lot of work but I managed to finish most of them.
I finished my Volleyball unit in Gym. AH! Today I was late (it's the first time! Looks like I am no longer a "late for class virgin"!). Anyway, our next unit is random games (e.g. indoor soccer, dodgeball, etc.)
While I was playing the single player of Total Annihilation, I managed to finish one of the mission that I got stuck on on the Core campagin, but got murdered badly to the point of defeat on a Arms mission.:P
SPYWARE AND MALWARE!!! There's tons of popups and program errors. I tried to look online forums for help but the help seemed to be complicated. Should one day clean my computer by disconnecting my internet cable first and do a through scan of my computer with all of my anti-virus/anti-spyware/registry cleaners. Hope that works...
Ah yes, some random photo drawn by me
(took some time to load em because of malware interruption)
A Commando vs 100 security force in a freefall
An Alien Swordsman (with my OMGBORONBBQ initial)
It's midnight now, cya
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