Well, this blog post will offer a good departure from my previous lotta quotes and Big Rigs blog (I STILL LIKE BIG RIGS IT'S WINNER!). So anyway, today is...yes, our school spirit day, it's finally here (this is the second time I've experienced it, it happens once a year during late October).
Well, I got up at 7:00pm because I have a field hockey practice in the morning at my school. It was kind of cold because we're playing on the outside. There's a nice coach who helped give directions while we were doing a little scrimmage. Pretty fun, but the scrimmage ended soon and I was on my way to my first period class. It's bascially my English homeroom at theĀ third floor of the school building. Because of the spirit day, one of the things we have to do to our school is to decorate our homerooms (that means every class, not just ours). So, my class' plan was to decorate it into a rave party-ish room. We bascially had to bring dance music, fog machines, and the what nots. There are also the usual decoration such as ballons and streamers.
A few minutes, the decoration was underway. First there were the streamers latched across the room, and a small amount of ballons laid on the floor. One of my classmate brought his amped up Ipod system and soon it started to pump out techno music. The whole rave thing really came into play with the closing of the curtains (leaving the room in darkness) and our shaking with the glowsticks that we were given. In the meantime, I was seeing other classes to see how were they doing in their homeroom. First off, I see a Hollywood-themed room that doesn't seem to look anything like Hollywood. There was a No-Caretaker-Needed room that had almost no decoration so that the caretaker can take some stress off (and so that the students don't have decorate much). One of the more impressive ones was a Walkin-Theater. It was generally a movie on a projector in a dark room, with chairs arranged in a cinema fashion. The movie been shown was The Texas Chainsaw Massacre II. I wandered around for a while, looking at my friends in fancy dressings that are part of the soul of the Spirit Day. They are wandering around too, taking pictures and going to different classrooms, and talking with their friends because it was a study-free time. One could really sense the commotion, but being there would've been even better.
end of part 1 (I'll finish the rest of the blog tomorrow hopefully)