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Older brothers ****

I have an older brother, and when it comes to games, he makes me want to throw an old lady

out of a window. Why am I the one always buying the games, but he's the one always playing them.

The other day he decided to waltz in when I was still asleep and see what one of my new games he

was going to take away and never bring back until he can be bothered to. He took Dead Space, he

'woke me up, I wasn't best pleased so I was all like 'OMFG GTFO' (something got messed up there so i'll continue my story below)

Anyway, I was like, 'no put it down and go away'. But no he wasn't going to have that, he needed to have a huge go at me and tell me why I was unfair in every single way. I just told him I didn't care and I wanted to go back to sleep, he wouldn't stop bugging me so I got all 'GTFO n00b' again and threw an empty can of Fanta at him.

And another time when my mum was on holiday and it was just me and him, he was playing MY COD4 all day with the volume up high and everything once again being the inconsiderate prat he is. He had to feed the cat, he didn't, Why? He was too busy playing COD4. Im addicted to videogaming, but I can take 5 minutes out to feed the cat, he can't, because he's a !'@£$%"($. And my mum gives him responsibility? If she knew half of the things he did why she was away she would have kicked him out by know, I really don't know why I haven't told her yet...

Why is it some people are like this? I know it's unfair of me to tell him he can't borrow them, but seriously, he picks the worst times and doesn't give a fudge if it's annoying me. He doesn't buy any, and then he plays them on his 1337 TV with surround sound and deafens me, and he'll never turn it down, no. But if I need to turn my TV down so low that even I can't hear it it's alright. The only games he buys I don't like. I hate him.

And he also thinks it's fun to wake me up becauses he's stranded somewhere and needs to tell his ex girlfirne dwho I HATE for reasons I might go into another time that he won't beable to meet her and I need to ring her. Or if he doesn't want to break into a £10 note so he'll wake me up while he steals a few coins off of me. I swear im going to stab him pretty soon, he's doing my nuts in that much.

Anyone else have anything they hate about their siblings.

Oh and Gamespot, writing a blog is so much hassle for some reason, sort your problems out please., feel the wrath of my blog

When I use an online retailer to buy something, I don't expect them to make any mistakes, it's not like a shop you walk into, where if your given the wrong item you can walkback in and give it back. No, with online retailers the pressure is on to get things right, and that can't be hard can it? Of course not, anyone who is fit to do the simple task of packaging can distinguish between two very different looking items. More specifically, these two items....

Yes, Fallout 3 and Valkyria Chronicles, two brilliant looking games I have been looking forward to for a while now. Now it doesn't take a genius to tell the difference between an armour clad, mask wearing scary guy with the words Fallout 3 above him and a pair of anime charecters with the words Valkyria Chronicles above them and another anime charecter above that. The differences are huge.

SO WHY THE FUDGE DID SHOPTO.NET SEND ME FALLOUT 3 WHEN I ASKED FOR VALKYRIA CHRONICLES!?! Of course i'll never get an explanation out of them, of course not, they'll just take a good 2 weeks to refund my order and probably another week to send me it. This is the second time I have ordered from and this is also the second time they have fudged up with my order. Firstly by lieing to me about their promise of next day delivery, and secondly for sending me the wrong thing, sure they delivered on their promise of next day delivery, TOO BAD THEY DIDN'T DELIVER THE RIGHT SODDING THING!

If the person who messed up here is reading, I hate you...

Anyway in conclusion,

You killed my thursday, you killed my Friday and Birthday when I was going to be playing this, but most of all, you killed my faith in you, I will NEVER be ordering from again, and I encourage everyone else not to.

Im bored, so I decided to write another blog post!

I haven't done one of these in a while, don't know why but as I carry on installing all my PS3 games again after the HDD switch I thought a good ol' blog post could pass the time.

So what have I been upto lately? Well I got my results from my GCSE's, and much to my surprise, I did alright and got enough to go into sixth form (not quite sure what that would be in America, 12th grade and onwards maybe). I got a B in Art and IT, a D in one of my Science exams, and a C in everything else w00t! So I was pretty relieved over that, my parents got me and nice new computer for agreeing to go to sixth form, and i'll be getting £30 a week for going because my mum doesn't earn over a certain amount! I feel kind of bad considering we do get by and have a nice house and what have you, but, I might aswell take it, I probably would have just got a job if I didn't qulify to claim the money. Now enough of my relatively boring life, lets talk games!

Well, I still haven't got around to completing half of my games, I really want to and am going to make it my goal as of now, what with all the good games coming out soon I really feel the need to atleast get a bit further in some of them.

I ordered Battlefield: Bad Company earlier, I really enjoyed the demo, and never got around to buying it until now, can't wait for that but im going to try and limit myself from it until I complete atleast one of the games I already have, lets hope that goes well.

I also ordered The World Ends With You for the DS, because im getting one tommorow HOO-RAEIGH! Going to get New Super Mario Bros aswell so me and my girlfriend can play together.

I want to start writing reviews again aswell, I guess i've just been quite lazy lately, but yeah, need to get back to that

Well if you decided to read, thanks! Hope you enjoyed it.

Switching my PS3's hard drive was one of the...


Okay first off, the danm thing took 15 days to get here, got dispatched twice from, apparently.

Then it arrives, and im woken up by a phone call from my mum telling me that a package got delivered to my nans house because no one was here to answer the door, well yeah I was trying to sleep FFS!

Anyway, I go to my nans, get the package, come back and hey it's my new hard drive! Brilliant I thought, just a few minutes and i'll be using my new Hard Drive with ease. I get my PS3, the toolbox and the new hard drive layed out on the table, pop open the socket where the hard drive is located, unscrew the blue screw, take out the tray, attempt to unscrew the old hard drive from the tray AND HEY GUESS WHAT THEY'RE REALLY DANM STIFF!

So I spend about 10 minutes unscrewing 3 of the danm things, and finally get to the forth. This is where it all turned ugly.

I attempt to unscrew it, the screwdriver kept popping out and refusing to turn the screw. I try again about 20 times. I then say to myself, okay, this time push really hard and it will come undone. I push really hard, I can feel my hand shaking then BAM! The screwdriver pops out and I dig it right into my leg! I cut myself and im bleeding badly, I get up and slam my fist on the table in anger, OH JOY THE TOOLBOX JUST FELL OFF AND ALL THE TOOLS WENT EVERYWHERE. I was so angry at that screw at this point I just thought, okay this thing is coming off right now no matter what. I shake the tray it's in and bend it in so many unessecary ways. I finally managed to get it off somehow, and now because I was an idiot and bent the tray I need to bend it back into shape if it has any hope of being put to use again. OOPS I JUST SNAPPED OFF ONE OF THE PEICES OF METAL THE SCREW GOES IN.

Well yeah I managed to finally get it to fit back in my PS3 and it actually worked to my surprise, I downloaded 2.42 off of, installed it back on the PS3, changed all my settings back to how they where and what not, uploaded all my save files and what have you. And now im here writing this blog while I wait for all my PSN games to download again.

It hasn't been easy and I would definitley plan this out had I known the kind of state I would get myself into, but now it's just plain sailing and no more deleting stuff to make room for other stuff.

PSP or 360 Arcade? I hate having to make decisions...

So it's going to be my birthday in around 80 days, yeah I know it's ages away but whatever. Im having a difficult time deciding what to get, I haven't had a good handheld console in ages and could really do with one, but the 360 Arcade unit is getting quite cheap now and with all of the brilliant looking exclusive games I would hate to miss out on them. I suppose I deserve this kind of selling my 360 in favour of getting a PS3 in the first place, I could have saved a whole lot of time and frustration and just got a PS3 for my birthday.

I need to stop coming here so much.

I remeber the days before I was addicted to the gamespot forums, I would play games all day and barely use the internet. I wish I could go back to that, but like I said, im addicted to GS. Im tired of joining pointless and endless debates on System Wars for no reason, most of the people there have opinions that are about as meaningfull as Paris Hilton. I wish System Wars would just close down so we could all just stop arguing and get back to playing games, instead of speculating on what might happen, it was so much better to find out about ________ coming out instantly as opposed to following rumours and months for speculation and then finally reciving word of the games announcement.

FKDFJJDK, I wish I could just go home already!

I don't mind going to my dads, it's not like I don't have any games to play, I brought my N64 and have strtated playing through Quake again. But god dammit this time it's just so annoying, I only got to play Soul Calibur 4 for a few hours on Friday before I had to come here and nearly completed SIREN: Blood Curse! I just wish I was at home, laying on my bed, playing my PS3 and smoking a cigarette why I browse gamespot on the laptop. I just hope I can connect to PSN when I get home, im pretty sure it's BT's fault, stupid ISP's. If they decided to slow down our connection speed because we went over our download limit I blame my brother, he was the one who left his PS3 on for half a day to let some stupid update for MGO download, and he never even plays it! ARHGSFHJ, he can be such a ****head, he never even buys game but he always plays mine, and he can't even be bothered to text me to tell me if PSN is working or not. Sometimes I really wish I could just shoot his bollocks off and tell him everything he does that gets on my nerves with one word. DHIPGPH. Speaking of PSN, the process to recover your PSN password is BS, the amount of times I have requested a new password from Sony to be sent to my email adress and not recieved one is getting ridiculous, get your **** togehter Sony. I WISH THAT BUILDER IN THE GARDEN WOULD TURN HIS ******* POWER SAW OFF AND **** OFF ALREADY! I really need to get home. But I will finish with a summary.


I wish this console war would just stop already.

I swear, this console war is one of the most ridiculous things ever. And whats worse is it is exactly what it says, a WAR, it's just different opinions clashing with no understanding of eachothers personal thoughts. It's like people just forgot that everyone has an opinion and sometimes it will be different, and when they realise that someone isn't think the same as them all they do is pull out the fanboy card! Complete insanity, then you get the people that are in it purely to wind up their 'rivals', is this what differing opinions in videogaming has brought us to? It really upsets me to think that there are some people out there who would actually use their time to annoy someone else over something like videogames! How can they carry on doing it without killing themselves in shame of being such an **** hole!? And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse than here on Gamespot, there is Youtube, where comments aren't moderated and fanboys grow by the hour. And it's the same case, theres those who can't understand people have different opinions and only see people who have different opinions as fanboys, those who are in it purley to annoy someone else and finally those who just don't like the fact someone thinks different and can't accept that. Only there things get alot more hostile, with people verbally abusing eachother over games consoles! GAMES CONSOLES! :(

I wouldn't be surprised if someone ended up getting physically hurt or even murdered over this, because some people are getting so hostile and agressive with what they have to say in the midst of this console war that I get the feeling they would actually go this far to have one over on someone who doesn't agree with them. And then whats going to happen hmm? The media will be right on it and blow the thing way out of proportion, videogames get ****ociated with physical violence once more and videogaming is given yet another unessecary kick in the side.

The world would be such a better place if we could all have real debates, instead of just misunderstandings and pointless arguments. How can people have such loyalty towards something that is designed to make money off of them!? If one system was so significantly better than another (which fanboys seem to think they are) then no one would buy the other consoles! They all have their ups and downs and we all prefer one over the others.

Im done now, rant over.

Im no longer in reach of a 360 :(

Not that anyone will give a danm but now that my brother has gone down the same route as me and sold his 360 in favour of getting a PS3 I can no longer play on the 360, it hasn't bothered me much but just incase anybody ever wishes to play with me over Xbox Live at any point and is considering asking me "Hey ONLYDOD, don't you have XBL" I would just like to let you know that I can no longer do that. I don't plan on getting a 360 anytime in the near future, there are some exclusives on it that intrest me but those on the PS3 just intrest me more, especially as what could be considered the 360's best upcoming exclusive 'GeOW2' is not a game I would enjoy, I really didn't like the first that much and only gained further frustration and dislike for it the more I played it, and I doubt that would change with the sequel. I think if I am ever to buy another console I will get a Wii, I never though I would find myself saying this but I am very intrested in some of he Wii's upcoming exclusives, to be preicse Little kings Story, and im prepared to give Motion Control for games with more depth other than Wii Sports a try (My brother also had a Wii but put that towards getting a PS3 also). Not to mention that alot of the PS3 games also end up on the 360 and visa versa, I just feel as though I would get alot more coverage of good games with a PS3 and Wii combo rather than a 360 and PS3, then I would only have trouble debating which console to get multiplats on. Done.