Well I've been given a warning for nearly every other thing I say even though I have not said anything before that which I consider "bad", so if I don't get another warning for this. Wow.
But yeah just to clarify, I'm very much against pirating video games unless I already own the game on another console or it is a very old game that I have at least rented i.e Max Payne.
:P Well this is turning into a pretty interesting debate, wouldn't say argument since nobody is going OTT. But yeah I support piracy depending on the context. Here's a very good song that's a great rebuttal for the Act: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_P4lJD_OPI
Well I personally don't think that. If the film or piece of media hasn't made a profit then of course it's wrong since that's one of the main reasons for creating it, but if it has then it isn't.
Great point ex-mortis. And Mushroom that's your personal opinion. Personally in certain contexts piracy is great, hate to sound like a hippy but it's like protesting against the machine. For example, Avatar made 3 BILLION dollars at the box office. Tell me that it's morally wrong to pirate a film that's made 2 billion dollars profit. And that's NOT including DVD sales.
Well Pete not necessarily. As the group says, the date of the event is the day BEFORE the Act is passed, so nothing can be done to those who take part. And totally agreed with vid, MW's gone to crap thanks to Bad Company showing everyone the light and all the stuff going on with Infinity Ward. Hopefully Respawn know what they're doing, they'll probably make a great game but within a few months Bad Company 3 will come out and we'll all start nagging about it again.
To respond to Jimmy, no, we simply want the laws changed to something that makes more sense and is more "fair", and we are trying to get millions of people to download illegally films, music and games to see that these laws would never work as about at least 60% of the UK population would have their internet disconnected without a trial. Just see my second post to see what the problem is with the laws. Heck, even Nick Clegg, one of the main people who may become the PM of the UK or at least get more seats for his party, said that the Digital Economy Act was flawed, as seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXCQwwjDkTA And yes, fair enough to Pete and Mushroom as I have no idea how much an album costs to produce. However I'm still sticking to my views about music being the easiest and fairest to pirate, as I have not seen one major artist having major problems with piracy that has lead to not one cent given to them.
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