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Which PS3 titles will be virtually available first on the PS4?

Since Microsoft came out with XBOX, I've been completely loyal, never having owned a Playstation console. Not to say I never played one, it'd be rude not to, but I always believed XBox did it better...until now. I've already made the decision to purchase a PS4, in fact I have already pre-ordered it.

Sony announced that while the PS4 is not backwards compatible, they will offer select PS3 titles on the PSN.

What titles are going to be available first?

Are you still playing Defiance?

I picked up Defiance early last week and was pleasantly unhappy for the first few days. The player progression was terribly slow, Ark Falls were nothing but running around shooting a large spikey rock for 20 mins and running to the next one, with next to nothing for a reward, game play was so so, and it crashed regularly. But I decided to give it some more time, with the latest patch it crashes less, plays better, more useful weapons are dropped by tougher enemies and sometimes lesser enemies which is always a treat. Now the redundancy of the games side missions and even main story missions is a bit detouring and interest wains as I play. I'm interested to see how exactly the show will play a part in the game and visa-versa. I've heard of a few more large patches are to be released in the next little while and high praise for these patches, but only time will tell. Hopefully the arrival of all of these things will create a deeper fan base and make the game worth puttin in work.