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Obi-Wan678 Blog

This whole Avatar thing seems to have gotten out of hand

Seriously, whenever GS seems to have a major update a big stir up arises, but no offense is intended with this blog post, but seriously I believe those who hate this "new change" are taking it a bit too seriously.

Though with my AOL browser it doesn't work, (using FireFox right now) I don't mind it, you guys (most of you anyway) have been practically begging for GS to make bigger avatars even larger than the new size, again no harm intended but it sounds more as if you brought this more on yourself, however this is my opinion.

Reason for my lack of activity

Some of you may know that I haven't been as active lately during my vacations, since of course School has started for me since Monday, only I was too lazy to make a blog about it.

Regardless, nothings changed minus a few things. I kept all my classes except for my last one, which was Teen Leadership and now is Career Connections, also since our high school is being "remodeled" everything is messed up.

When I entered High School for the first time, it was all normal no construction or anything, a few months later say October, the buses would pick up kids where our parents would pick us up, which was in the front of the school, so now the parents have to pick us up on the side of the school.

It was good after a while until everything was messed up, the only way to go in and out for the parents are two narrow strips of the only available street and we have to walk quiet a while to get to the school, I think the school is more like being destroyed than anything else.

Hopefully though with the new year, I'll be able to make it again even faster than last year, though things feel slower. Now for those of you who wish to know about  my gaming life, by that meaning what is happening to it, it's still the same, not as it used to be but not getting any worse.

My most recent game is Call of Duty 3, and I made a review about it a while ago, so you can take a look at it if you want, no games are in my mind but me being a fan of Rare, Viva Pinata seems good, though it appears childish the videos of it seem to live up to it's so called "addicting charm". Well this is all I have for now.

Happy New Years and other stuff.

Well 2006 has gone by yesterday, now we breathe light into the first day of 2007. I wasn't active at all yesterday since I was busy trying to finish Playing Gears of War *Finally Did* and replaying some old games to relive some memories.

Plus I had a party at around 7:00 P.M. with just my dad and my family, my mom was too busy seeing the football game. It was a blast, plus I got my chance to light some firecrackers after about 9 years of not lighting any.

Here are some interesting facts about me that happened in 2006 (somewhat):

Favorite Movie released in 2006: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Favorite Movie of all time: Saving Private Ryan

Favorite Game of All Time: Banjo-Tooie

Most Anticipated Game: Banjo-Kazooie 3 (Working Title)

Favorite Console: Xbox 360

Favorite Emblem: Turkey 2006 Emblem

Finally I made it to level 25, I would've been in that level sooner if my activity didn't go down in November. But anyway It's quiet fast can't wait for the thirties.

Finally got a 360 and my Test Scores are in.

Yup, after a long while of waiting I finally have a 360, of course I have no games yet. Gears of War  & Sonic the Hedgehog Next-Gen are for sure on my mind.

My GamerScore which I'm guessing you had no choice but to make is DeLMrcs, however I do have 3 demos and 1 Classic Arcade Game. Burnout Revenge, Kameo, and Tomb Raider are the demos, and... something where you have to get a triangle of the same color to get points.

Gears of War I know I will enjoy, as for Sonic I've been hearing bad stuff about it, but I'm usually one to go against professional reviewers:P, but really these are the only two I have in mind for now, a friend of mine told me to also consider Call of Duty, which reminds me of Saving Private Ryan for some reason.

Right now, I'm having a blast with the Burnout Revenge Demo, even though it's only one level it's fun, Kameo, it's pretty good except for the second part of it, which is boring, and Tomb Raider, is well especially the cinematics:wink::P anyway if you want you can recommend me some games if you want though.

Now for my test scores... I passed every single class HUZZAH!

Pre-Ap Geometry - Exam Grade: 100, Sem. Average: 82

Spanish - Exam Grade: 72, Sem. Average: 74

Art - Exam Grade: 100, Sem. Average: 94

Pre-Ap World Geography - Exam Grade: 71, Sem. Average: 79

Athletics -Exam Grade: 98, Sem. Average: 97

ICP (Science) - Exam Grade: 78, Sem. Average: 79

Pre-Ap English - Exam Grade: 80, Sem. Average: 87

Teen LeaderShip - Exam Grade: 78, Sem. Average: 92

Overall I did good and I maxed out the credits I can earn so I can be the smartest guy.... or so if I wanted to:P

The End of Designing for me once again? Plus some other stuff.

If you remember I quit designing since GIMP (which I use since Photoshop WILL FOR SURE Mess my PC up) messed up my PC. I contacted GIMP about it, and they did offer me a few options but I chose to heck with it I'll just uninstall it, besides I'm trying not to get Crazy with making new stuff.

Also it is stressful taking request after request after request all the time, so this might be a good thing for me. Really this doesn't make me mad in anyway, I'm actually glad since I can finally rest.

I haven't made a blog post for almost a month now, I really didn't have the time to post in any of your blogs due to Constant Testing, with this Early College High School Program thing going on.

My Christmas Vacations have already started since this past Friday, and won't end till the January 8th, so I have tons of time to catch up on some stuff I had planned originally.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all and new turkey emblem?

Just came to say to have a very happy Thanksgiving today, I'll be busy all day and night with parties and celebrations so yeah don't expect much from me for a while, plus I got a turkey emblem 2006? Read this.

Turkey Turkey Turkey 2006 Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey 2006 Turkey Turkey Turkey 2006 Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey 2006 Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey 2006 Turkey Turkey 2006 Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey 2006 Turkey 2006 Turkey Turkey Turkey 2006 Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey 2006 Turkey Turkey Turkey 2006 Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey 2006 Turkey Turkey Turkey

To tell you the truth I'm stumped.. but oh well it'll do I guess....

Edit - I found out that just by logging in today *So I hear* you get the emblem... that has got to be one of the easiest emblems I have ever gotten.

It's a Bird, no It's a Plane, it's... it's... Super Bagman? Ain't it Superman?

I have made my way toward's level 23 Huzzah.. and as you may have noticed I got the E3 Live Feed Emblem which I didn't get during the time, but thanks to VinceL he gladly got me the emblems, plus he threw in that profile views counter in our profiles.

I only have 681 +(10), but that was because for 2 months my profile was set to friends only, sorry if I haven't been posting in your blogs, I wasn't in the mood for some reason.

and I made myself a new Sig in honor of Obi-Wan Kenobi and  here it is

I've headed back to my designing roots and I still haven't lost my touch.

Yes right on time.... wait what do you mean I'm early?

It's that time of the year where time literally goes behind, That's right it's now the time to fall back.... since last night, now time is one hour earlier for me, meaning shorter days and longer nights. So I can perhaps expect for School to end faster for me, cause I really hope so.

In other news I've ended my relationship with my GF since of course we just didn't like each other so we broke up and stayed as friends. Also I'm planning to get a 360 for Christmas so I'm trying to save up.

Also I might be coming down with a cold since I'm in the sore and raspy throat stages with some coughs here and there. Just what I need another cold. Other than that not much is going on in my life, it's so boring right now.

When Halloween starts I'm gonna dress up as.... well try to guess:P anyway I won't be tricking anyone just helping my father pass out candies to the little kids next door, and across the street, and about 5 blocks away.

Also my school is holding up a Costume Contest, and my friends told me to participate in it, and just for the fun of it I will, still you have to guess what my costume is though. That's all for now.


Captain Jack Sparrow

I was stuck in the same class for 4 hours

Well it was raining hard to the point where it almost got flooded, and when I was just going through my 3rd period class waiting for it to pass by, we recieved an announcment for us to stay in our current classroom, until further notice, which we did for longer than I thought. Apparently the reason was because...

1. It was raining hard (I said that already)

2. The Sewer line broke in certian part of the school due to heavy rain

3. The Power went out


4. It got very cold and the school was almost hard to get around.

So I was there in that same class talking to my friends waiting for time to pass by, 3 hours and we we're still in the class dying of Hunger, then finally we got a chance to eat. We had to leave the class (thank god) and walk to the cafeteria which was a very cold trip, pick up our plate and drinks then head back to the classroom and eat it there.

A few minutes later we were released and followed our normal schedule as if nothing had happened, The lights did go out but for no more than a second so it can be called a long flicker if you wish.

Gamespot After Hours

Well I gotta say it's quiet entertaining and I managed to get the emblem.

Awarded for tuning into our live broadcast of GameSpot After Hours on the eve of October 14, 2006. Thanks for joining the party!

Plus, I glitched the voting emblem finally, I didn't get the Trivia one though, I earned a total of 111 points I think, and I got 42nd place out of 117 I think wow.... anyway it was fun now back to seeing it again.