I was super hyped for the xbox reveal, but now I'm leaning towards the ps4. Based on what I was shown with the xbox reveal I'm not very happy. I don't want any kinect gimmicks or a console that can change tv channels, I want a console that can play my video games. Plus this drm issue with the next xbox really puts me off. I've had both consoles for a long time, the xbox more than my ps3, but I think Sony will win this one.
@Mendax2013 @Obinoodle really? how do they work? are they like a large exoskeleton that you put the PS controller in? or are they just modified, bulky xbox lookalikes? I'm glad Sony has changed the feel of their controllers, I think that was a good move.
Having had both an xbox 360 and ps3 (before my first xbox got rrod and ps3 got llod) I must say I'm really excited for both consoles. That being said, I've never liked many xbox exclusives and thought the ps3 had ones that appealed to me more. I agree, xbox seems to be headed in the direction of a media center than happens to play games, whereas the playstation seems more dedicated to actual gaming, which is what I want in a gaming console. On the other hand, the feel of a 360 controller is much better than a skinny PS controller, but I guess I will get used to it...
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