Ocarinaboy732's forum posts
You out to see if you can mooch of someone else's wi-fi. It'll be much faster than dial-up, even at a fraction of the signal strenght.
is WIFI worldwide? like every single country has it?? cuz im not sure if nintendo means that!Smokin_Cat
Well, if you have the internet (which is pretty much worldwide) and a wireless router, you've got Wi-Fi.
[QUOTE="Loimon"]I have just one question. I live in Singapore and SIngapore does not have any wireless hotspots at all nor does it have any compatable internet routers. Is my only solution to playing online to purchase a Nintendo DS Wifi USB Connector? Singapore is not in any of the regions in www.nintendowifi.com. Are people in SIngapore doomed to have no wifi connection at all??? sp0inK
Your country doesnt have to be at the nintendowifi website.
If there are any places like Starbucks or LAN cafe's in Singapore, you should be able to get online there.
Im pretty sure that there are compatible routers in singapore cuz i've seen a thread about an american playing animal crossing with his friend who lives in Singapore.
Sadly, you can't access a Starbucks network with just a DS. You need to pay with a credit card to access it.:(
umm i'm having trouble with the stupid WEP key. I tried to type in the isp address and it doesen't work. so any other ideas?Werewolf16
A WEP key is not an IP address. And there is no such thing as an "isp address". ISP stands for "internet service provider". IP stands for "internet protocol".
Anyway, you only need a WEP key is the network you are trying to use is encrypted. If it is, the network will show with a red-colored lock when the DS detects it. It it's green, you don't need a WEP key. If you do need one, your router's software will probably let you know what it is.
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