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Portal 2

Portal 2 logo

As you may or may not know, Portal 2 is coming out in early February of next year. It is the sequel to Portal, shipped with the critically-acclaimed Orange Box, a collection of games created by the game developers Valve. As Portal's webpage says on Valve's site:

Portal has been called one of the most innovative games of the decade. A hybrid of FPS and a new genre of spatial brain teasers, Portal offers hours of totally unique gameplay. Set in the mysterious Aperture Science Laboratories, players must solve physical puzzles and challenges by opening portals, maneuvering objects, and moving themselves through space in ways that used to be impossible.

Portal 2 is to be set in a few centuries after the explosion in Portal 1, in the year 1998. The test chambers are overgrown and decaying, however, GlaDOs is still alive as ever.

From Portal 1 to Portal 2, it seems they've not only created a new campaign, but improved the graphics, added new features and characters, and introduced co-op.If you haven't seen the videos yet, go check them outhere.



Portal 2

Portal 2

Comparing Portal 1 and Portal 2, you can definitely see some graphical improvements (besides the worn out remodel) on the textures on the walls, debris, and just a greater feel of an emotional atmosphere.

Valve has also done some work on keeping their userbase entertained with new features, some of which being the Excursion Funnels, the Faith Plates, the Thermal Discouragement Beam, the Pneumatic Diversity Vent, the Repulsion Gel, and the Propulsion Gel.

Propulsion Gel

Propulsion Gel

Also, from what I've researched and seen, they've added a funny new character to the story that will be your sidekick and will bring laughter to you at odd times. Wheatley, the newest character, is a personality core similar to the ones in Portal that fell off of GlaDOs and burn. His fitting British accent and personality makes for a very hilarious partner.

Wheatley, in his beautiful form

Wheatley (The ball with the blue eye)

Something I'm really looking forward to is trying out the co-op. As seen in this video, 2 players are able to hook up and play as two robots that complete levels together. I've been researching this, and Valve claims that they're working on a system of contextual commands that will allow players to place icons throughout the environment, instructing their partner to shoot a portal here or look there.

Altogether, Portal 2 seems like it's going to be a really great game.

A couple things I'd like to add that you may find interesting:

  • After beating Portal 1, almost everyone knows that the infamous Jonathan Coulton's "Still Alive" song plays. Valve is aware of that fan connection, and plans to integrate music into Portal 2 in more deliberate and surprising ways. Also, GameInformer notes that GlaDOs uses smooth jazz as a weapon to keep players in line in their magazine, so it's possible that Coulton may be writing some smooth jazz for the upcoming game.
  • In Portal 2, GlaDOs will be attempting to rebuild the test chambers as you complete them. Because of this, at many times you will be able to go behind the scenes of Aperture Laboratories and learn its history in order to reach the next test chamber.
  • A new recruit to the writing team of Portal 2, Jay Pinkerton, is known for writing for the hilarious National Lampoon movie. Such humor may appear in game, but has also been seen in early art from the game, such as the one below, illustrating the merits of using a turret to ward off potential baby snatchers.

Baby Snatcher