I never really agreed with any reviews on here 100%, but these reviewers are pressed for time and really don't get enough of a full game experience to pass such final judgements. Meh, what can one expect from a review that comes out the day the game is released I guess.
Well, if a formula works why diverge from it? Infinity ward has proven that the majority of people like how the game plays. The controls are tight, the graphics have improved with each installment whether you noticed or not, and they've obviously tried to add new features here and there. In a way, the CoD series has become the Madden of online fps'S, but people want to know what to expect to some degree, and that's why they keep buying the game. Everyone has spent a lot of time perfecting their abilities, and while new additions are welcome, they want the game to feel basically the same.
I loved fighting The End. It was so awesome trying to find his hiding places. There's nothing like a good sniver vs. sniper match. Of course, you could always turn the game off for a day or so and let him die of old age.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Missile Command Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Psi Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy
The picture of the crying woman is eerie in a way. If you click on the image, it directs you to a larger image. It is strange how the focus in detail and sharpness is directed on the woman's face, a face which almost contradicts itself. If you cover the bottom half of her face and focus on here eyes, you'd think she'd be saying "Time to die!" or something like that. Her eyes look angry. But when you look at the bottom half of here face, you see that she is crying, and her mouth is slightly open. It seems like a sort of helpless look. I think that is the reason why that picture seems to strange and abnormal to people who look at it.
OddballTECH's comments