For the past 5 years, I've been running an independent music & arts festival in my hometown. This year, we've decided to introduce gaming into the event, with the hopes of building a dynamic arcade featuring nostalgic/classic titles which festival-goers can play and enjoy freely.
My questions to you is this: if you were to be tasked with building your own arcade, which games would you most definitely include? No wrong answers!
OddballTECH's forum posts
@quatoe Wow, you are still here! I just randomly logged on and saw your name in this topic by chance, haha.
I've been working on writing some music inspired partly by classic video game soundtracks. The main feeling that I am focused on capturing in the music I write is the sense of nostalgia that comes with hearing these old compositions. In a way, I feel like the importance of music in games has been slightly diminished overtime. Sure, there are some great soundtracks for modern games, but to me they rarely compare to soundtracks of old where the emotion of each level seemed to be captured so perfectly by the musical accompaniment. Anyway, I am curious to know which soundtracks give you the most intense feelings of nostalgia when you listen back on them.
My choices would be Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (GEN), Mortal Kombat (GEN), and Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES). I have to say, I missed out on a lot of great games from this era, so that is why I am asking this question.
Hello people! It's been a while since I've posted on GameSpot. A long, long while. I used to run one of the unions on this site years ago, but stopped posting in order to pursue musical goals. In the past few years, I've formed a band with 2 guys from Russia. It is an international project, as I live in the US, and we work over a long distance. This past summer, we were able to meet for our first show in Moscow. It would be awesome if you'd check out some of our tracks! If you enjoy electronic music with vocals, have a listen : ) I am the vocalist, and my friends from Russia write all the music.
I can't say that I've been very active on GameSpot in recent years. However, when I was an active review writer and union leader I did feel that there was much to be desired fromGameSpot's user review writing system. I looked over some of the suggestions in the main thread of this topic, and have outlined specific ones which I feel should be implemented.
1. Sort User Reviews - I think this would be a great feature because it would add much needed structure to the review archives.
2. Add User Review Medals - I have always wanted to have this functionality in the user review system. It would give reviewers a chance to share information about which aspects of the game they thought were most impressive or most lacking. I know that when I used to write reviews I would often include a "Pros and Cons" section at the top of my review, but it didn't really stand out or make an impression in the way that medals would.
3. Allow Users to Feature Images - This is probably one of the more important features that should be implemented. Possibly, you could enable users to pull images only from GameSpot's archives for the game they are writing the review for. This wouldaid in theavoidance ofspam images. Sometimes, in writing a review one can only be so descriptive. It would be very helpful to be able to input images in order to highlight points made in the review, especially those concerned with graphics.
4. Feedback Field - This would be a neat idea. It wouldlikelyencourage someintelligent discussion about the reviews and about the games they outline.
5. Featured Reviewers - Maybe in addition to GameSpot's review writing staff, you could select a number of community reviewers to represent the normal GameSpot user. It would be really cool if reviews from the GameSpot staff could be accompanied by a selected community review for the same game. For example, let's say a GameSpot staff member reviews Portal 2 and gives it a 9/10. Then let's say a "selected community reviewer" also wrote a review for Portal 2, yet their opinion on the game is a bit different, and they rate it a 7.5. Such a review could serve as sort of a second opinion to the main review.
6. Limit Review Writing to Certain User Levels - It would be nice if users were required to attain a certain level in order to be able to write reviews. I'm all for everyone sharing their opinions, but employing such a restriction would prevent users who may not yet be familiar with GameSpot's ToS from writing reviews.
On a final note, I saw "union overhaul" mentioned in the initial thread. This really got me thinking about why exactly I left GameSpot to begin with. I realized that it was partly because the union interface was just too buggy to deal with at times, and did not offer enough feature in order for me to expand the union in the direction I wanted to take it. If such a union overhaul were to be made possible, I would definitely considering returning to this site to form a new union. I think it's great that GameSpot is finally thinking about revamping this stuff, and it's nice to know that our suggestions did not fall upon deaf ears. Thanks for listening! :)
I would say that I am an inconsistent gamer. Sometimes I play games day and night, every single day; other times I just don't play because I have school.
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