Yep, I have succesfully completed Ocarina of Time yet again! And this time, I did it in about 6 days, woot! Now I'm playing Masters Quest, and I'm on Jabu-Jabu's Belly right now... My friends and I have decided to have an OOT Contest in about 2 weeks... We're all going to hook up our systems to tvs, and all start at the same time, and see who can beat it first! I'm gonna save a file for the Forest Temple, and Water Temple, that way I can practice until, I can get each one under 50 Minutes... Also I have decided to disband my United Wii Stand union for good.. Believe me, I'd rather not, but I have too much going on right now, and I can't properly fulfill my leader duties... With work, school, and my girlfriend, my time is totally took up. Sorry to all of the members, I'm thinking of maybe making a smaller union someday, maybe a Zelda one, I'd like that!
Wii Funds: $40