I know it's been awhile...
by Odgiek18 on Comments
Sorry guys, it's been so hard to get on Gamespot lately, with work, my girlfriend and all that. I'm going to try to mess around here a little more but right now I'm having a crisis! It's less than a month until Wii Launch and I still have barely any money! I keep spending it on impulse, like my Edward the Great Iron Maiden CD I got today... So From now until Nov.19th All of my money is going to be locked in my safety box. I'm thinking if I can pull at least 12 Hours a week (= $84) That should put me close to the $249.24 mark.... (Walmarts Price). I went to Gamestop to preorder but they only recieved 12 units and sold out in about an Hour and 1/2... I guess I'll be camping that Saturday Night... On a side note, most of you know that I'm into Naruto right now, my friend let me borrow Clash of Ninja, and I beat and unlcoked the 3 bonus characters plus got Hokage Rank in Time Trial in about a day. My brother got me Donkey Konga, that game is teh l33t pwnag3! I love it, and I'm pretty good at it too.... hopefully you guys will see me more around here now....