I had a really long and elaborate post here about my concerns about Twilight Princess and Revolution Release/Launch Dates. But, since I accidentally pressed back on my browser it ruined it. Pretty much I just hope that Twilight Princess comes out about two months before the Revolution, giving me time to enjoy it before moving on to bigger and better things... At my mom's house i just sat around playing Ocarina of Time on my Nintendo 64. beat the Fire, Water, and Shadow Temples, not to mention the Ice Cavern and The Bottom of the Well. Then when I got home I played some Metroid Prime, and I got a letter from my girlfriend and she wants to break up so, I guess I'll be doing a LOT more gaming lately...
25 Reasons I Support the Revolution Pt.5
21.Great for Parties
22.HDshadow and I can play each other all the time! (If he gets one!)
23.Finally a new DK Game (Not Spinnoff)
24.Hopefully Achievement awards!
25.And a Gamer Score (A 'la Xbox 360)