Next week is E3, the most coveted event in Gaming! I would love to be there but since that's hardly possible I'll just stay here and play games, but my ear is open for any Wii news (Less then 48 hours!) I beat Kingdom Hearts on my brothers PS2, and that's definately a game I want to remember! I started to play Gun for PS2 now, and I'm 20% through, shouldn't take too long... Been playing some Windwaker as well, I love that game! Well here is a list of what I want to see/hear at E3.
>Wii Price Point
>Wii Launch Date
>Twilight Princess Release Date
>Any Zelda Info
>Kingdom Hearts Stuff
>DS Game Announcements
>DS TV and Internet Information
>Booth Babes!
Wii Fund (Yes, it's back)- $135