Ok, Yesterday was the first day of summer, and I have began my quest to beat every Zelda game (Except for the CD-i ones, they don't count)... I have all of them except for Link's Awakening, which I'm getting soon..And I have began with the following..
Legend of Zelda (At 5th Dungeon)
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of AgesĀ ( At 2nd Dungeon)
Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap (At 2nd Dungeon)
I've been playing so much my brothers half-eaten hamburger began to look like the Power Bracelets from ages. The best thing is I'm learning so much about Zelda, like how Seasons first dungeon is modeled in Tangent with LOZ's first dungeon (Eagle Shape). On the Side a little bit of Monkey ball helps me stay sane...