Karol overrated this game. It has nothing new except for graphics. It's GTA just with more content and detail. No new mechanic and story is meh. So this is a 7/10 for me!
This game deserves 7 at most on account of gameplay. On account of originality it should be a huge minus. Same as all Gta series so far only with more space better graphics and more content that is the same as before. For me 7/10!
@larz_1234 you don't have to go to steam just go to www.gog.com it's theirs. For example they had a sale last month and witcher 2 was sold for only 5 $.
Thank you CD Projekt! You use a business model of the future. Honest and true to gamers!
@Ayzed @dragonkantus @arkhamcity54 sure Gta 5 will be better in graphics only. Story same mafia crap, world same boring world, same boring guns and same boring cars. So in short boring with better graphics. That's what we all expect form GTA, but not what we with more than 2 braincells expect from a game.
OdinssonThor's comments