I am definitely going with both even if I have to use the credit card and increase the debt I owe the world! LOL The problem is that Far Cry 2, and Gears 2 is also ocming out very soon as well... so basically I'm screwed! hahah at 59.99 a pop if you didn't get the "SPECIAL Colectors edition" (which i always do) then you spending even more...WOW...what a year.
I have had 4 die on me including an Elite and a falcon system....the funny thing is though that I never really cared. They fixed it for free and Xbox is the best gaming system for ("True Gamers") as far as consoles go. I have a PS3 too...it makes a great DVD player and maybe in the future they will get some good games the 360 doesn't have way ahead of time.
I would bet my 360 Elite that Mass Effect's rating is easily higher than Assassins Creed. The games are in no way the same but Mass Effect (belive it or not) is going to be doing things in a game that just really haven't been possible without next gen hardware. Assassins Creed (which i'm sure will be good to) is Prince of Persia esq and therefore definitely will not have a higher rating. For the record though I'll be owning both.
the PS3 can't take the 360 in sales until they get some dang games. Almost every game for the PS3 is on the 360 and is better there. The PS3s library has not grown as expected...not to mention they need to get some type of real acheivement format setup along with the online "Home" stuff. Until then I'll wait to even consider a PS3. I really dont care who wins because I like playing good games but I've invested in Xbox now due to the fact tha the PS3 has nothing to offer. Ohh yeah and now we all see how a motion sensing controller was a stupid idea...they are going back to rumble. Some people like the Wii because its different and using a weird controller, but most hardcore gamers I know have sold theirs back because it became boring. The graphics (well u know) and the games (kids?) sooooooo... Sony's brand name can only take them so far. I hope that Drake's Fortune is as good as it looks or that some games that come out actually start to look or play better than on the 360, but I wont hold my breath. Xbox should have had HDMI to begin with, but I sold my old system and bought an elite. Only a real hardcore gamer is going to be worried about HDMI over component, hence thats why the elite was made. both sides had made mistakes, but I think that PS3 has made more that have been more costly (including losing exclusive titles). Ok i'm done talking about nothing... just my opinion.
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