Hey, to start I'm not here to flame Windows, Mac, or Linux, but I need some of your opinions for a class of mine.
I started this conversation on another forum (you can PM me about a link if you're interested but I'm not sure if I'll be breaking any terms of service by posting the link here). I was at first accused there of working for a company, but I am not. My class involves the study and use of media, and I have a final project that I'm working on. I'm investigating how the operating systems we use (specifically the three I mentioned above) act as metaphors for how we see the world...which basically means that I've wondered "How does our use of a certain operating system affect how we interpret things?"
For all I know, there is no affect, or if there is it may be very small. Still, I want to know and there would be no reason to any of my speculations unless I actually asked people some questions. That's why I'm hoping you will all help me. I've also done some research into the comercials of each OS and will later be analyzing each of them (features, etc.). If anyone would want to see my research, I'd be happy to supply what I have done.
So, if you wouldn't mind, please answer the following:
1) What Operating System do you use?
2) Why do you use it? (Did you choose, just happen to get it, or what?)
3) Have you ever used any other Operating Systems? (Which ones?)
4) Do you like any other Operating Systems? (What are your opinions of them?)
5) What do you do most often on the computer with the Operating System you use most often?
6) Do you like the Operating System you have for its features, what it says about you, or something else?
If there is anything that you would like to add, please do so! My questions are probably limited in their scope of each OS, so suggestions would be nice too...
Thank you so much for the help if you post anything.
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