I've gotten to where I spend quite a bit of time on the Gamespot Forums. Something that continually blows me away is some peoples constant need to bring others down.
Take a look at System Wars, this forum is completely insane. Nothing but people putting other people down. Not direclty mind you but through thier choice of games and systems. These folks nock each other based on if you like XBox, PS2, GameCube, etc.
This constant bickering is really unneeded and deterimental to the community. No system is inheritnatly bad, they each have thier share of good games. That is what this should be really about, the games and having fun. If you for some reason have the need to knock others for how they have thier fun then just don'!. It is like my mother used to say, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all."
be kind to your fellow gamers, no matter what thier preffered platform.
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