Any form of British accent is attractive to me in a girl. Also German and french are pretty hot...unless I can't understand a word of what they're saying, obviously.
OldSchoolViper's forum posts
Havana, Cuba. Population: Around 2 million. Not joking,I actually do live there. I'm not Cuban though, just here for a job in the UN.
hmmm I don't know there are so many.
I don't like Kazooie, because she's just plain mean and annoying. Also I always hated Donkey Kong. He's just stupid, really.
ummm Oblivion is offline and will giv you plenty of playing time. The only free world racing game is Burnout Paradise, really...
oh! Ninja Gaiden 2 is good!
I diffiantly like having a guide book for some games, portability is good. But for a majority of games, its not needed, internet FAQs will suffice.
I totally agree. Although I have a game guide book that was so very very helpful I love it. It was nicer than an interet guide, but obviously I had to pay for it. I also found it a bit easier
did you play twilight princess
yeah man, of course. I think all Zelda games are the greatest games ever. But Ocarina of Time and A Link to the Past were the best of them all, in my opinion. Twilight Princess was truly amazing though.
Definetley a Zelda game. The greatest game ever made by humans is The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, but it is very closely followed By The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. I don't know which is betetr though.
And yeah, Halo is pretty good, it's up there, My Top 10 i'd say
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