Okay, it's been forever since I last was spotted on here (I did come here, but I did absolutely nothing). My games haven't spotted me either... Okay, I'll stop the puns. Yeah, since my last blog I've barely played any games. The only exception is Brain Age, simply because I love those sudoku puzzles. Though that's it. Then to add on to that, I likely won't be getting Brawl. For now. I might get it in a month because my birthday is coming up, but there are also other interests that require money. I also don't haave much time to play games since school has been hell and I've been getting mass amounts of homework every night. I really want to do good in school. Right now, I have a 96% average in math. They say a person's average goes down by 15% in highschool... Well, mine went up by 20%!!!!
Anyways, my overall gaming interests have declined. Yes, I still want Brawl and MK Wii and all those other fun games, but with what I have, it just seems I have no motivation to play anything.
However, maybe it's because I'm missing so much. So many good games have come out, and I haven't gotten to enjoy any of them. Also, Super Mario Galaxy just wasn't "there." I don't know how to explain that. Whenever I think about games, I'm thinking about all the good ones that I'm missing. As well, a lot of the time, I'm just not thinking about games at all.
However, I stil have a yearning to get into the Brawl. This summer, if I don't have to go on a vacation across the seas, I'm getting myself a job, no excuses. I need money. A lot of it. Music has been dominating my life at this time, and I need equipment. I also need to catch up on all the action I've missed. My gaming interest hasn't died yet. Though I've got to wait a bit before I can get back into the fray.
Goodnight everyone. Enjoy your battles for those of you getting Brawl.