Good look Game Spot.... :lol: I think this might be the first time I've been to a site that I use constantly and liked the change. I know I hate every FB update there is but enough about FB. I like how you guys put what I would call the most "important" things right on the top of the site. I used to dislike scrolling down to the bottom of the page just to see ratings and new releases. I also really like the calendar idea. It seems way more user friendly too. I know it wasn't all that hard to navigate before but its just so simple and looks great at the same time. The only thing that was boring was the individual system pages themselves....its cool how you color coordinated them but its dreadfully plain. I know its new so I won't knock you for that. It'd be cool to see like "unique" characters for that system for a background or something I don't know just an idea. I think adding like "hot" topics on the side maybe below the calendar would be cool so you could get more people sharing things or just talking. I think it would be a good thing to think about. Well that's all for now just wanted to say the new look its a good one. Keep it real GS! PEACE!
Omanitspete Blog
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