So yea starcraft 2 just came out, and a ton of people are playing it. $1.5 million sales in 48 hrs, so yea a lot of peolpe are playing this game. Myself has never showed any intrest in RTS games or really PC games at all. But I still find myself wanting to play this game just because so many peolpe are playing it. I wonder how many peolpe buy games just bcause other peolpe are playing a particular game examples: COD MW 2, Halo, Bad Compy ect ect......
This is a good thing in a way because peolpe want to play a game that others are playing so they can contiune to play it for a long period of time after they buy it. The other plus side of it you may find a game that you weren't into at first. The down side to this is that people may feel pressure into playing popular games, but not really want to.
I say don't feel prusure into getting a game just because it popular. Get a game because you and your friends like it, it doesn't matter if not one else isplaying it as long as you do and enjoy it. Remember it a Game.
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