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Omega_Zero69 Blog

Username change and other things

Well first of all i changed my username due to it being my name and also people would say the 88 was my birth year which isnt, its '91. I'll probably still leave my header the same so people can still associate me with my old username and not be confused. I am getting some bugs and glitches with the change sometimes it says my new username and other times it changes for some reason.

I have recently gotten FFXIII-2, RE:Revelations, and MGS 3D I am hoping to get a chance to play/finish them when i get Spring break. As for my activity here I will be on most of the time if Im not posting in other's blogs then im on the forums/unions or just checking the news button on the top on commenting on those.

I was also getting some feedback on my them of this month which is C.Viper from the SF franchise and just to let people know i made the sig but not the avy i found the avy when i was surfing the webs I also found dozens of other fighters with the same layout.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my theme (those who sent me pm's) till next time.

October theme and fall is almost here

October is here and also Fall my second favorite season behing winter since they are the coldest of the 4 seasons.

Question:What is your favorite season?

Well my new theme for October is Bulbasaur as Boba Fett from Star Wars. Pretty fitting for the month I might say. A couple of things that i got for September which include a 3DS, a Dingoo A320, 2 road bikes, a couple of games (DLC too for some of games). I am mostly playing New Vegas + its DLC and Final Fantasy IV complete collection on the psp. Im almost done with OoT 3D just finish some side quests before I take on Ganondorf. In the process of finishing re reading Black Lagoon and i might start reading East of Eden by John Steinbeck. Also my activity here has been lacking i have been busy and also i was at another forum based website also know as 4-C(the actual word get censored) pretty funny place but one not to get addicted to though.

Well that about it hopefully can be active yet again in the forums and unions and maybe join some new unions.

June Theme, E3 review and other things

New month means new theme this months theme is Hayato Kanzaki from the Star Gladiator franchise and also was a playable character in Marvel vs Capcom 2 game.

Also for the E3 review.

Microsoft: They were alright since they opened up with MW3 but it just wasn't enough. Then the rest of the show was mostly how you should game with kinect. But they at least said some good things like Halo combat evolved and Halo 4 also with Gears of War 3 update. 2.5 or 3/5

Sony: They showed Microsoft how a E3 presentation showed really go. Opening with a video of there creations, games , and among other things. But they keep apologizing for the psn outage which they should have only done once. Psp Vita seems pretty awesome and its coming with some really great games when it comes out. Also the new games that where announced for the Ps3 and psp.4/5

Nintendo: Pretty amazing with the opening of 25 years of Zelda and with an orchestra. Announcing new games for the 3DS and the Wii U not much for the Wii maybe some but not much. Mostly concentrating on the 3DS games and why we should get one and the Wii U on its hardware and why we should get one. 4.5/5

As for the other news Im on vacation and Im hoping to find a job and maybe do some other things maybe learn some new skills.

Check out for a funny E3 comic. I would post a link but GS doesnt let me. :cry: :x :x

It's AboutTime...PSN Outage finally over

Well it was just announced and all I can say is "Its about time" after a couple of weeks of being down leaving thousands (possibly even more) frustrated and people blaming others for the disaster that left people worried that their identity was being stolen and yeah people should be mad both at Sony and the hacker(s) that did this. But until there is justice and the person that did it is behind bars or sued or somthing in between or worse the problem is not over. Until then we can just enjoy playing online.

Those who have a ps3 and waited post the game your are gonna play online first.

Im gonna play MGO (Metal Gear Online then maybe some Black Ops)

May Theme and a update

Well this months theme is Yoko from Tenga Toppa Gurren Laggan

Also I have gotten a few games Final Fantasy V and FF Anthology (yeah i know it also has V but i wanted it for VI also), FF X, FFIV for the psp and a gamecube. The gamecube came with pokemon gale of darkness and crash bandicoot but I am getting SSB Melee and maybe some other later. Thank goodness that the psn will be up later in the week or next week i cant wait to play MGO and maybe get into CoD BO, 4 or World at War. Other than that I have been pretty busy with school and barely have time during the week to get on.

Hopefully I will get a chance to check out the unions and post or read some blogs and comment.

April : Theme of the Month

Yeah the Joker he rocks and I choose him since its April first and he is the King of Fools. :lol:

Also I have been playing Dissidia duodecim for a while and the story doesnt seem very long just a short before the original from the first dissidia but it does have a lot of extras my favorite characters so far that were new is Kain and Vaan I also liked what they did with the cutscenes ( the playback as in a timeline)

Thats it for now. See you guys on the boards

Small Blog. New Theme.

Just a small blog and just here to say that I got a new theme. This months theme is Bomberman an awesome game and overall cool character.

Rate the sig if you guys can criticism is very much noted help me improve

Thats it for now until next time

...A Return From The Depths Of The Creed.

I have returned after a couple of weeks when my computor had broke. I have been doing a couple of odd jobs and playing some games. I have finished both Assasin's Creed games and i will be getting Brotherhood later in the month with (maybe) Black Ops. I am still currently trying to finish FF 12, FF13, and a couple of other DS games. I will continue my activity in the unions I am in need for some good multiplayer PS3 games any suggestions? I will also be making more blogs in the future so look forward to you guys.

See you on the boards.

I've been hit...

Well my activity these days have been low and is due to the nasty virus that my computer got I have managed to take care of it and its currently neutralized but it keeps coming back and I dont want to sustem restore to its factory setting since i have so much stuff on it.

With my birthday coming up I'm feeling a littel old :P but I plan to do a lot this year like finish a bunch of games that I didnt finish or was too lazy to finish. I will also be looking for a job since i feel lazy doing nothing at home and i start school again until Feb.16.

I have also gotten to the old school scene i have been playing some of the best games from the old systems i would speak more on this subject but i dont think i cant due to the rules of this site. Well thats it for me I'll make a new blog on either on my birthday or the day after so see you guys on the boards.