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June Theme, E3 review and other things

New month means new theme this months theme is Hayato Kanzaki from the Star Gladiator franchise and also was a playable character in Marvel vs Capcom 2 game.

Also for the E3 review.

Microsoft: They were alright since they opened up with MW3 but it just wasn't enough. Then the rest of the show was mostly how you should game with kinect. But they at least said some good things like Halo combat evolved and Halo 4 also with Gears of War 3 update. 2.5 or 3/5

Sony: They showed Microsoft how a E3 presentation showed really go. Opening with a video of there creations, games , and among other things. But they keep apologizing for the psn outage which they should have only done once. Psp Vita seems pretty awesome and its coming with some really great games when it comes out. Also the new games that where announced for the Ps3 and psp.4/5

Nintendo: Pretty amazing with the opening of 25 years of Zelda and with an orchestra. Announcing new games for the 3DS and the Wii U not much for the Wii maybe some but not much. Mostly concentrating on the 3DS games and why we should get one and the Wii U on its hardware and why we should get one. 4.5/5

As for the other news Im on vacation and Im hoping to find a job and maybe do some other things maybe learn some new skills.

Check out for a funny E3 comic. I would post a link but GS doesnt let me. :cry: :x :x