Well first of all i changed my username due to it being my name and also people would say the 88 was my birth year which isnt, its '91. I'll probably still leave my header the same so people can still associate me with my old username and not be confused. I am getting some bugs and glitches with the change sometimes it says my new username and other times it changes for some reason.
I have recently gotten FFXIII-2, RE:Revelations, and MGS 3D I am hoping to get a chance to play/finish them when i get Spring break. As for my activity here I will be on most of the time if Im not posting in other's blogs then im on the forums/unions or just checking the news button on the top on commenting on those.
I was also getting some feedback on my them of this month which is C.Viper from the SF franchise and just to let people know i made the sig but not the avy i found the avy when i was surfing the webs I also found dozens of other fighters with the same layout.
Thank you for reading and commenting on my theme (those who sent me pm's) till next time.