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Rescue Ranger!!!

Level 20, I hardly knew ya.. it only took 6 months to pass you!! Other than reading other forum posts and posting here and there, I really haven't done much contributing. Now that I'm past the ominous level 20, I may see what I can do to boost my ranking. Well, been awhile since last blog post, so what I have I missed commenting on? Well, for starters- THE COLTS WON THE SUPER BOWL!!!!!!!! I really never thought I'd see the day that happened. It was one of thae most exciting times I'd ever had. The whole 2 week SB buildup was pretty crazy, as I am from Indy, but now I live in the Chicago 'burbs, and my office is on the far Northside of Chicago. Strutting around in my Colts gear, it was as if I had contracted the plague. My co workers (all Bears fans), spent two weeks taunting me with recycled Green Bay Packer jokes, with 'Colt fan' lamely substituted. Well, it was I who had the last laugh. Thank you, Evil Rex! OK- Enough SB chat, that's old news.... I bought Resident Evil 4 today. Gonna have to get used to the whole 'can't move while aiming' thing; I died on the first level. Pathetic. I also reserved my copy of God of War II. The Gamestop gave me the demo to tide me over. I played thru it- it feels like it could be a tougher game than the first. I really enjoyed GOW, but even on God mode it was too easy. For a challenge, I went through the game on God mode without opening a single chest. Well, I opened the first chest, because the stupid pop up telling you how to open them appears until you actually open one! I actually managed to get to the Clone battle doing this- the Clones are just too hard, though, as I had the base health and magic bars to combat them with. I also have been playing my Guitar Hero 1 & 2 games as well. GH 2 is tough on expert- as of now I'm stuck on Freya. Getting better, though... Well, that's all for today. Next post I'll probably report on my new work project.