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A look back on 2005....

Hmmmm I'm another year older.  I guess that means I'm supposed to be another year wiser. I really don't know if that's the case.  Sit back and reflecting upon my year I have today, I can say it's been one interesting ride.  Failing marriage had the introduction of a new child into it and no matter what let me tell you he's truely a blessing.  Gabe and him continue to make me proud and happy every moment I get to spend with them.  The way son or daughter can make you feel is really unequalled.  No matter what has gone on between me and my wife i will never regret any decision I have made because those two boys are amazing. 

    This year has also brought me the best friend I never knew I didn't have.  Amazing how you can just bump into someone.  Have a chance meeting and your life is forever changed becasue of it, never knew somone could become so fundementally important in a life in such a small amount of time.  Every day I've known this person has brought me joy that really is unmatched. 

I've made mistakes this year, of this I am certain.  Been thoughtless when I should have been thoughtfull, been emotional when maybe I should have been reasonable.....letting that special somone get back on that plane.....doh! But I digress. As I stumble into a new year with a new life I find that for the first time in years I have a chance to make a life for myself.  I know the life I want.  I know the person I want to share it with. (in whatever way that may be) Now it's just up to me to figure out a way to do it :)

I guess in all of this mess if I have something to say is this.  The new year starts in 9 days.  Take advantage of it.  Is there a person you've always seen yourself with?  Is there a hobbie you've always wanted to try?  Some weight you've always wanted to lose?  Don't wait, don't settle for what you've always been or what is comfortable to you.  Go out and take the chance.  Life is too short to wait for something good to happen to you.  Make it happen.  Take it upon yourself to make your life better in whatever way that is.

Happy New Year everyone. :)