As many of you know I've now switched my job around in order to keep day care costs low and as such I'm now taking cae of both of my sons M-F 8-5pm and working at nights and this little ditty is about my adventures in being Mr Mom...
I'm generally pretty relaxed...and handle most things well...but even the most patient man on the planet is put to the test when you have a 2 month old screaming bloody murder while you are changing them (probably shouldn't hold them upside down by one lege and hose them off with your free hand...just a little tip from me to you)....all the while a three year old is asking repeatedly "what's wrong daddy"...and it's even though you want to scream be quiet you know it's pointless...he's just concerned..not helping..but concerned ;)........and this owas just10 minutes after the wife left for work... ;)
2 Month Olds.....they poop..a lot...the also eat a lot.....right nnow he's knawing on my arm..don't know why...he just ate..but you learn that that doesnn't matter..he eats...takes a breather..eats again...then looks for my boobs ....I'm jsut happy I haven't started lactating yet.....but funny thin is when thhey smile at forget all the inconvenient things throughout the day.... :)
3 year olds....well They like attention..a lot of attentiion....we sepnd the mornings cooking something usually...Tuesday it was Banana Bread....Wednesday was Italian Mashed potatos...(btw check out Everyday Italian on the food network if you like cooking..... ;) )......then it's an art project in the afternoon.....what's always a bolast with mmy particular 3 year old is that he's always in need of having a question answered right when the 2 mmonth ol is having a nuclear meltdown......."Daddy why did Dora get stuck behhind the gate?".....I don't know son...maybe she was'nt smart enough to wal around the 4 foot long gate.....but answering that is never so easy when you have ascrfeming 2 mmonth old neeing man boobs.....
As much as I joke I gotta say I do enjoy my time with them..they're both great kids...only thing I do miss is the ability to talk wiht my friends while at work......a big reason why I look forward to my job and late night XBL sessions.....big reason I'm looking forward to heading out to see a friend next weekend...a weekend off wiht some grown-up interaction should be just what the dr ordered.....
anyway I'm to feed the baby...and off to play some Castlevania DS while he sleeps.....if you don't own a DS and this are missing out ;)...anyway have a great day guys..see you tomorrow night :)
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