Got a call from EBgames today "I'm sorry but we don't seem to be recieving the number of Wii systems we were expecting to get into our store. Unfortunately you and 3 other people have been bumped til the next shipment. :evil: because you were the last 4 whom preordered." Jeez thanks, I could have gone to 3 other places and preordered it. So much for previous employer loyalty (I no longer have friends working there to bump me up the list :( ) so pretty much I'm Wii for me at launch unless somone cancels. (not holding my breath)....but they did say they were expecting some in within a week and I can pick up my copy of the Legend of Zelda TP anytime.:|......*you know where I think they can stuff that :evil: *.. if anyone is getting a Wii on launch day and wants to write a little dity for my site that would be greatly appreciated......:) other than that...I'll be sitting here.....sulking....:(