Well as the holidays are upon us I wish all of you a great Holiday season fiilled with friends, family and all those you love. :) This holiday is a rather interstiing time for me as it is more of a new begining for me...I'm about to move out of my house. No sadness, that time has passed. I know what is ahead of me is for the best, for me, for her , and for the kids. (which are the main focus of everything I do).....
.anyway...game wise I'm looking at some rpgs, Magna Carta, Dragon Quest VIII amongst others. I also want to get around to picking up God of War..yes I may be one of 2 forumers whom have never played it.......also looking to pick up Mario Kart DS and a wi fi adapter for my comp so I can hassle a friend...currently I'm still playing castlevania DS want 100% souls and map coverage....in the 90's for both at the moment...
Well anyway I hope you get to spend the hlidays with thsoe that you love...i can't wait till my friend stops by for New Years...it'll be a blast..hope you guys have somone you're looking forward to being wiht over teh holidays... :)
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