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It is something we as gamers do every single time we put in a new game. We adapt, learn the ropes, and ultimately beat the game. This is what makes us special. Why bring this up? Well lately I’ve read in a few places online where some feel the Gears of War control scheme isn’t as fluid or polished as Microsoft is leading us the believe. My response? Give it time. Think back to when the PSX or the Xbox launched. Was using two thumbs ticks easy at first? No. We all loved the N64’s single thumbstick. Could we live without our dual thumbsticks in today’s world? I doubt it. I specifically remember picking up Halo for the first time, and for about the first week or so I struggled. Grenades where thrown when a melee attack would have sufficed. I died happened often. Fast forward to today. Halo’s control scheme is almost the standard for a FPS. Gears of War could easily set the standard for how a third person shooter plays. Don’t base opinions on short sessions. If after year Gears is still hard to play then the conclusions were warranted. Just give it time.